Please check the blog weekly now that you know it is here. I will always try to post over the weekend. If for some reason I cannot post on the weekend, I will post Monday evening.
Please, please turn in your emergency cards and disaster forms asap
Turn in your conference sign ups asap.
Signups for the Fall Festival were sent home two weeks ago. Our class is in charge of the Garden booth. We need your help!
Book Project Guidelines went home today and are posted on the blog. Please sign the bottom or send me a note so that I know that you have seen them. Let me know if you think this is too much work for each month after the first one. J Remember that this is part of their homework, and they should be working on it each night.This is my first go round with this and your feedback is much appreciated.
Field trip on Friday! Send a bag lunch.
Volunteers – Please see last week’s post. Thank you to Nora’s mom, Katie, for coming in on Mondays to help the kids and do copying. (Hooray!) Thank you to the room moms for helping round up drivers and putting the kids into groups. (That helps a lot!)
Behavior – We continue to have problems with our behavior at PE, Music, and Art. Maybe the hot weather made us all cranky…Please talk to your student about this. Remind them that school is like their job, and they need to be responsible for their behavior. Today, Monday, the students did an excellent job coming into class and working on their Mathboard. They also did an excellent job going in our Rules Assembly.
Math - We are working on multiplying and dividing mixed numbers, and adding and subtracting fractions
English Language Arts - Theme 2 is Give It All You’ve Got
This week we will wrap up Theme 1 and take the theme test
Writing: organization, writing a strong lead, placing information in the best order.
I am very excited about this book project; Thank you for all the creative options -- there really is something for everyone.