I will post the conference schedule tomorrow on the blog. Please use it to confirm your time. Your child may come to the conference.
Signups for the Fall Festival were sent home three weeks ago. Our class is in charge of the Garden booth. We need your help!
Book Project Work Session First session: October 14
Your child should be working on their book project every night. Michelle has volunteered her time on several Fridays to help the students make a plan of how to proceed as they work on finishing their books over the rest of the month.
** Students should have chosen which project they plan to do
**Students should bring their copy of the instructions with them
**Students should bring their books
**Students should have read close to half of the book
**Students should bring any work they've already completed
**Students should come with a list of ideas for their chosen project
**Students should bring a snack bar or something so they aren't so hungry they can't concentrate.
Your child should be reading a chapter book, but the number of pages and reading level which vary with each child. They should be reading a book on their reading level which they are able to comprehend. One way to test a book is as follows:
Have your child read a full page and put a finger down for each word they do not know. If they get to five fingers the book is too difficult.
Behavior –We got all 4’s last week! Way to go!
Math - We are working on adding and subtracting fractions
English Language Arts - Theme 2 is Give It All You’ve Got
Strategy focus; evaluate
Comprehension skill: fact and opinion
Word work: compound words, word families, common and proper nouns, singular and plural possessive nouns
Writing: organization, writing a strong lead, placing information in the best order.
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