Our class is off to a wonderful start!
The students are doing a good job with their behavior in class and in the restaurant. With such good behavior we are making very good use of our time.
We are working on assessments in reading, writing, and math.
In Math we are working on prime numbers, divisibility rules, prime factorization, and greatest common factors and will be heading in to working with fractions. The first trimester of math in the fifth grade can be very challenging. We focus on using the operations on fractions and decimals. Please support your child with his/her homework.
We are currently reading The Hundred Dresses by Elanor Estes. I am introducing the strategies that good readers use and that will be reinforced throughout the year.
They are predict/infer, phonics/decoding, monitor/clarify, question, evaluate, summarize. If you want to know a bit more about them as to see you child’s PB Practice Book) They are described at the beginning of the book.
In writing we will be focusing on the six traits. The first trait we will work on is Ideas. We will learn about narrowing a topic, staying focused on the main topic, choosing the best details, and including all the information a reader needs.
We have started to look at our social studies book and are looking at North America’s first inhabitants.
Thanks for the update. I am glad the students are off to a good start!