Monday, August 29, 2011

Biography Poster Report

This will go out to students tomorrow

Biography Poster Report

Is your person known for leadership, science/inventions, the arts, sports, new ideas, being first, and/or courage? Your person may be known for more than one thing.

Portrait-you may either print a portrait from the internet (good) or draw a portrait (better)

Dates – When was your person born? If they are dead, when did they die?

Read All About It

Carefully research the life of your person and organize it into a short biography that tells the important details about their life.


You will draw and describe the 3 most important scenes of your person’s life and think of a creative title for your movie

Creative Quickies
Quotable Quote – record something meaningful that your person said
Life Lessons – What important lesson did you learn from your person?
In Five Words – Describe your person in just five words
Final Fact – Share one more fact that you found particularly interesting
Super Resource – List books, web sites, and resources you used to complete the poster

You are required to write a 1st draft before I will give you the poster to work on.
The poster must be neat and colorful.

First draft due_________________

Final Poster due__________________

What's Up In Class

Our class is off to a wonderful start!
The students are doing a good job with their behavior in class and in the restaurant. With such good behavior we are making very good use of our time.

We are working on assessments in reading, writing, and math.

In Math we are working on prime numbers, divisibility rules, prime factorization, and greatest common factors and will be heading in to working with fractions. The first trimester of math in the fifth grade can be very challenging. We focus on using the operations on fractions and decimals. Please support your child with his/her homework.

We are currently reading The Hundred Dresses by Elanor Estes. I am introducing the strategies that good readers use and that will be reinforced throughout the year.
They are predict/infer, phonics/decoding, monitor/clarify, question, evaluate, summarize. If you want to know a bit more about them as to see you child’s PB Practice Book) They are described at the beginning of the book.

In writing we will be focusing on the six traits. The first trait we will work on is Ideas. We will learn about narrowing a topic, staying focused on the main topic, choosing the best details, and including all the information a reader needs.

We have started to look at our social studies book and are looking at North America’s first inhabitants.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Beginning of 5th Grade

Welcome Back!

I am excited about this year! Fifth grade is an exciting time. Students are expected to be responsible for their work, behavior, and actions. We will be working intensely on classroom protocol to prepare for middle school.
         Roosevelt Homework planners have been handed out. Please make a donation of  $5.00 for your Homework Planner.
Supplies needed for 5th grade:

1.    A 2 pocket folder
2.     Zippered pouch for school supplies
3.    Pencils – a lot of them*
4.    Dry erase markers*
5.    Small piece of cloth or old sock to erase dry erase board
6.    Black sharpies one fine, one ultra fine
7.    Small Simple pencil sharpener. Put it in a zip lock bag for pencil shavings. This will need to fit into the zippered pouch
8.    2 Spiral Notebooks 70 pages each (bring one to school)
9.    Colored markers
10.                  Colored pencils
11.                  Binder paper for homework (leave at home)
*(bring only enough needed for school, leave the rest at home for use as needed)

We always need tissue and dry erase markers.

Please let me know if you cannot get these items. I have some already prepared.

Remember the first two weeks of school (8 days) are minimum days.  Everyone arrives at 8:10 and is dismissed at 1:50.  Please remember to make after school arrangements with your parents before the day begins. During the time after school I will be testing students on their reading fluency. Please ask your child for the sheet indicating the day that they are to stay after school.
I expect students that bring snacks to school, to only bring healthy snacks. I want all of them to be healthy individuals and ready to learn each day.
Remember if you have any questions, please call my voice mail, 618-4350 #14 or email me at