This will go out to students tomorrow
Biography Poster Report
Is your person known for leadership, science/inventions, the arts, sports, new ideas, being first, and/or courage? Your person may be known for more than one thing.
Portrait-you may either print a portrait from the internet (good) or draw a portrait (better)
Dates – When was your person born? If they are dead, when did they die?
Read All About It
Carefully research the life of your person and organize it into a short biography that tells the important details about their life.
You will draw and describe the 3 most important scenes of your person’s life and think of a creative title for your movie
Creative Quickies
Quotable Quote – record something meaningful that your person said
Life Lessons – What important lesson did you learn from your person?
In Five Words – Describe your person in just five words
Final Fact – Share one more fact that you found particularly interesting
Super Resource – List books, web sites, and resources you used to complete the poster
You are required to write a 1st draft before I will give you the poster to work on.
The poster must be neat and colorful.
First draft due_________________
Final Poster due__________________