Monday, May 28, 2012

End of Year/Promotion Info

Dear Fifth Grade Families,
We know this is a very exciting time of year for our fifth grade students.  There are several fun activities about to take place and we want to let you know about them.

June 4 – June 14 (the last 2 weeks of school) = 1:50 dismissal
June 6, Wednesday, 10:00 = Hornet Hustle
June 13, Wednesday, 12:30 = Kickball Game, Staff vs. 5th Grade
June 14, Thursday, 8:45 – 1:50 = Promotion Ceremony and Swim Party
Bay-O-Vista is located at 1881 Astor Drive in San Leandro. It is directly off of Lake Chabot Road,   1.6 miles from Roosevelt.  

Please have your student in class at 8:10 so we can take attendance and organize ourselves.  The Promotion Ceremony begins at 8:45 in the Multi-Purpose Room.  Seats go fast so we recommend being seated by 8:30.  The students are asked to wear clothing that is at least a step-up from school clothes for the ceremony.  The program lasts about 40 minutes.  There will be many photo opportunities after the ceremony and before we change clothes and head to Bay-O-Vista Swim Club for our party.  We’ll return to the classrooms by 1:40 to allow students time to collect their belongings, stay good-bye, and head off for the summer.  

Thank you for your patience and support all year.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,
Mrs. Lipka, Ms. Julin, Ms. Augusta, and Mr. Fishbaugh

2012 Fifth Grade Promotion News

It's time to start planning the 5th grade promotion and party! Please take the time to read this and return the bottom portion by Friday, June 1.

The Roosevelt PTA provides funds for the end of the year celebration. With these funds we are able to pay for everyone to attend the promotion field trip to Bay-0-Vista Swim and Fitness Club, hire life guards, and provide pizza for lunch. These funds also provide for a few decorations at the promotion and party.

Please go over the Bay-O-Vista rules with your students BEFORE the field trip.
       RINSE off in the outside shower BEFORE entering the pool;
       WALK around the pool area;
       TAKE the swim test BEFORE entering the big pool (5.5 ft deep);
       EAT food in the designated area ONLY;
       PLACE all perishables in PLASTIC container, not glass; and
       RESPECT the club's property.
Please remember that this is a school sponsored field trip. Siblings are NOT allowed to attend.

How can you help?
  1. Complete the form sent home by the teachers indicating whether or not you can drive on the field trip.
  2. Please indicate if you are able to provide snacks for the field trip.

My child, __________________ has permission to attend the Bay-O-Vista Swim and Tennis Club field trip on June 14, 2012.  I have reviewed the above rules with my child.
____ Yes, I can drive. My car holds ______children.
____ Yes, we are Bay-O-Vista members. Our member number is ____________.
____ Yes, my child will be taking the swim test.

____ Yes, we can provide       (Please Circle the item)
Mr. Fishbaugh's Class: Salty Treats (chips, pretzels, other ___________)
Ms. Julin's Class: Healthy Treats (strawberries, blueberries, cherries, other ____)
Ms. Lipka's Class: Healthy Treats (red peppers, carrots, cucumber, other ____)
Ms. Thomas Class: Sweet Treats (cupcakes, rice crispie treats, cookies, other____)

_______________________             ____________                __________
       Parent signature                              phone                      date

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Thank you for a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week. I really enjoyed the daily deliveries of tea and pastries, the beautiful and fragrant flowers, the sweet notes from the students and the “little extras.”  

I was very proud of how hard the students worked on their CST.  Way to go!

Important Schedule change

Beginning June 4 all days will be early out days.  A note will be sent home soon in regards to what day your child’s reading will be assessed.
May 29-June 1 we will be dismissed at our usual time.
Also note - we will return to school on May 31 at around 6pm

Family Life curriculum will begin May 29.

Several students received notices that they have not verified their residency for Bancroft. These students will not receive a schedule for 6 th grade. Please ask your child if they received one of these.

In class right now
Math – We are doing an exciting unit about algebra (that I love) using the hands on equations materials. Students are solving equations like 8+2x+3-x=2x+1. The students are amazed at the advanced math that they can do and I have heard from former students that it helps them when they take Algebra in the later grades.

Science – We are learning about the scientific method and how to create our own science fair projects using an Interact unit. The students are learning and working together as they solve a mystery based at a school.

Reading – Theme 5 – One Land, Many Trails
Story – Pioneer Girl
Strategy Focus- Questions
Comprehension Skill – Propaganda
Word Work – Suffixes, Possessive Pronouns, Contractions with Pronouns
Writing – Persuasive Essay

Students have an opportunity to give a speech at the 5th grade promotion
Students also have the opportunity to apply for the Ed Cerf Award

May 16            Multi Cultural Event
May17                        Bancroft Musical Theater Field trip
May 18            Band performance 10am
May 23            Open House 6-7:30
May 24            Early Dismissal
May 25            No School – Furlough Day
May 28            No School – Memorial Day
May 31            Marine Science Institute Field Trip (returning at 6pm)
June 6                        Hornet Hustle
June 14             Promotion 8:45am/Bay o Vista Swim Party 

Promotion Speech

2012 Promotion Speech Guidelines

·               Your speech should include the following parts:
o   a brief introduction (who you are, how long you've been at Roosevelt)
o   An “I’ll always remember” and/or “I’ll never forget” section that covers some of the “highlights” of your time at Roosevelt
o   Thank you’s (teachers, other staff, family-not classmates)
o   A closing that states your wishes for the class of 2012

·               Your family may help you brainstorm ideas, but the actual speech must be written by you (I will help you proofread and edit).
·               The speech needs to be between 1 and 3 minutes (maximum) long .
·               You must rehearse your speech many times (at home in front of a mirror and/or family members or in front of friends) so that when you give it, you will be able to look at the audience and sound as if you are simply talking, not reading.
·               You will be asked to give your speech to your teacher several times in order to ensure your readiness.

You must have your finished speech by Wednesday, May 23rd.  Four students from each classroom will be selected.  (Two students from Mr. Fishbaugh’s classroom.)