I hope that everyone had a wonderful winter break. I enjoyed a “staycation” eating lots of sweets.
I want to thank the class as a whole for the wonderful gift card that I received for a special store that sells my favorite sweaters. I haven’t purchased anything yet but will let you know when I do. Thanks also for the itunes gift card. This has come in handy for music and apps.
I look forward to seeing the sea creature reports and learning about all the creatures that we may see at Pigeon Point.
I hope that you are all excited and getting ready for our Pigeon Point trip. We leave this Wednesday. It looks like we will have pretty good weather, but remember we are right on the coast so please follow the packing suggestions.
Essential Equipment Optional Equipment
**Bring a bag lunch for the first day** Camera (please label and send
Waterproof rain gear Water bottle batteries)
Sleeping bag OR sheet + blanket Warm Hat (preferably wool) Gloves or mittens
Garbage bag for wet clothes Day pack or book bag Pillow
Winter quality coat Sunscreen Binoculars
Warm sweater or sweatshirt Ball cap or hat with visor Slippers
2 long-sleeve shirts Lip Balm Stationery and stamps
3 pairs long pants Toothbrush and toothpaste Watch
Warm sleepwear Washcloth, towel and soap Sunglasses
3 t-shirts Shampoo, comb or brush Shower sandals
4 pairs of socks Flashlight with new batteries

1 pair comfortable walking shoes (close-toed)
1 or 2 pairs of close-toed shoes that can get wet (for beach/tidepools)
Laundry bag
Pillowcase (if you are not sending a pillow, please provide 1 case)
Food (except first lunch)
Gum Candy
Matches Curling Irons
Money Knives or toys
ANY electronic item (except camera, flashlight and watch)