Kirsten Julin
SEPTEMBER 2011 618-4350 x3214
Grade Level Highlights
Social Studies - United States major pre-Columbian settlements, explorers, relations between new settlers and Native Americans, colonial era, American Revolution, U.S. Constitution, patterns of colonization, immigration, settlements and general information about the fifty states
Math - application of the four basic arithmetic operations to fractions, decimals, and positive and negative numbers, determine length, area, and volume of simple geometric figures with the use of formulas, understand angle measurement and use a protractor and compass to solve problems, use grids tables, graphs, and charts to record and analyze data
Reading - Houghton Mifflin state adopted reading series and literature books aligned with the grade level standards focusing on comprehension, word analysis, fluency, systematic vocabulary development, and language conventions
Science - earth, life and physical sciences emphasizing the scientific method of hypotheses, observations, and experimentation and validation of hypotheses
Language Arts - writing paragraphs and essays in the different genres (narrative, expository, summary, persuasive, response to literature, and letter writing) with a 5th grade focus on personal narratives, persuasive essays, and research reports
Snacks – All students are allowed to eat a healthy snack during their morning recess. Please try to send snacks that will feed their mind and body as well as their appetites.
Differentiated Curriculum - Curriculum is designed to accommodate varied learning styles and capabilities. We do this with dynamic multiple groupings, with open-ended assignments, with pre and post testing, and most importantly with a rigorous and challenging curriculum.
Report Cards – Reports are based on grade level standards. They will be distributed in December, March, and on June 14.
Assessments – In addition to our on-going classroom evaluations, we participate in the district’s math and English/Language Arts assessments that will be given at the end of each trimester. We also administer Reading assessments to each student three times a year. The scores will be recorded on the report cards. Students also take the California STAR Tests. This year our test window is April 23 – May 18.
Learning Academy - 4/5 grade groupings. It is 40 minutes a day. Students will go to different classrooms. This is part of our reading intervention program. Students have been assessed and will either attend classes for extra support in reading or participate in other classes to enrich their learning.
5th Grade Promotional Ceremony and Party – These are both on the last day of school and are organized by parent committees.
Parent Volunteers – District policy requires that all volunteers complete the district application before working in the classroom or going on field trips. If you have a packet on file, please stop by the office to verify that all of your information is up to date. If you are driving on a field trip, you will also have to complete the district’s auto insurance form, which needs to be completed every year.
Classroom Volunteers – Parents are always welcome in the classroom. Students welcome the personal attention and assistance they receive from adults. If you are interested in working in the classroom, please let me know so we can work out a schedule. If you have a special interest that you would like to share with the students, such as a science lesson, please contact me to set up a time.
Outdoor Education - All 5th graders are invited to an Outdoor Education Program. It will be located at the Pigeon Point Lighthouse, a program we know well. It will be 3 days and 2 nights. **It is never too early to begin fund raising.
“Common Sense” built around discussions and experiences as we analyze relationships such as problems and solutions, causes and effects, actions and consequences and privileges and responsibilities.
Our class will focus on a program that deals with respecting one another and solving conflicts. We are learning how to better express ourselves with the “I message”, and we are learning how to give a meaningful apology with “the clean up.”
I messageI feel… When I… I need… Will you…? | The Clean UpI know that I… I apologize. What can I do to make it right? Next time I will… Will you forgive me? |
I encourage you to use these powerful tools in your home to support what we are working on in school.
Weekly Schedule
Computer Lab – Monday 1:05-2:05
P.E. – Monday 2:15-3:00 and Wednesday 9:00 – 9:45
Art – Tuesday 2:15-3:00
Music – Thursday 1:05 – 1:50
Library – Friday 1:15-2:05
Learning Academy – 11:20-12:00
5th Grade Instrumental Music
Wednesdays 12:20 – 12:50 “A” Group
Wednesdays 12:55 – 1:25 “B” Group
Fridays 1:15 – 1:45 “A” Group
Fridays 1:50 – 2:25 “B” Group
Homework - All students are expected to have and use a Roosevelt Planner that they copy their daily assignments into and carry back and forth from school to home every night. Homework will be assigned every day and occasionally your child will need to work on their long-term projects over the weekend. Homework is a chance for students to practice and apply skills learned in the classroom. Given that, I understand that occasionally assignments are a bit much. When this happens please send me a short note so I can address the particular issues. Please don’t forget that every fifth grader should be reading 30+ minutes or more each week. Please help teach your child organization and responsibility by looking in their backpack, folder, reviewing their homework, and removing notices.
Monthly Reading Project – Beginning in October your child is expected to turn in a reading project based on the reading that your child does each night.
After School Help – Your child is always welcome to stay after school to get help on homework provided that I do not have a meeting on that day.
Classroom Blog – Find out what we are doing in class and read about upcoming events. Join our blog (
Field Trips – We are scheduling a variety of field trips that enrich our grade level standards.
- San Francisco Museum of Modern Art October 7
· NASA/AMES December 16
· Pigeon Point January 11 – 13
· The Tech Museum March 23
· Marine Science Institute May 31
Helpful Websites –
All second through fifth grade students have a Study Island account. Student usernames are typically their last name and first initial, plus Roosevelt (e.g. for Joe Smith the username would be SmithJ.Roosevelt). The password for all students is hornet. - math